Centralized Radiation Detector Network for Locating and Identifying Clandestine Nuclear Materials

Mark Delgado - Koyr, Inc.
One of the biggest challenges in Nuclear Non-Proliferation is locating a radioactive isotope in a given radioactive field. The problem can be illustrated by a federal agency trying to locate a highly radioactive isotope in a landfill that was disposed of by a medical device company. Another example would be locating an Improvised Nuclear Device in a population dense setting where time is of the essence. Our solution to this problem is to design a radiation detector network in which radiation detectors in the field take measurements, analyze the results, and upload the information to a server. The data uploaded to the server is collected from several independent detectors in different locations and analyzed to predict the location of the isotope. In this project a radiation detector network based on the client-server network architecture was successfully designed and developed.