Judith A. Holm - U.S. Department of Energy
Carol Peabody - U.S. Department of Energy
On November 14 and 15, 2001, approximately 60 representatives from Tribal Nations, Tribal organizations, and government agencies (including DOE programs) participated in a workshop sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Transportation Program-Albuquerque (NTPA). The workshop was held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and a professional facilitator was hired to maintain the focus on established agenda items. Key among the meeting goals were to expand Tribal participation and improve consultation with Tribes related to DOE transportation activities (primarily radioactive materials), to develop a process for consultation with the Tribes on transportation issues, to discuss Tribal experiences with what consultation means and what does and does not work, to find out how DOE can better provide assistance to Tribes, to understand how to ensure safe transport across Tribal lands, to attempt to build and sustain participation and consultation with Tribes over time, and for both DOE and Tribal attendees to better understand each others needs and limitations. This paper details results and findings from the workshop, including a number of values and principles identified as essential for effective consultation with Tribes. Many of the concepts discussed at the meeting will be incorporated in the Department’s Implementation Plan being developed for DOE’s Indian Policy. Participants established a set of action items and recommendations for follow-up activities. This paper will sum up the next steps projected by NTPA for building better Tribal relationships through partnering in the transportation decision-making process, including continuation of current interactions with Tribes along DOE transportation corridors (Transportation External Coordination Working Group Tribal Issues Topic Group activities, DOE Transportation Protocols, and the proposed Consolidated Transportation Grant concept for funding Tribes, etc.). The overall goal is to institutionalize DOE’s transportation planning process and relationships with Tribal governments potentially impacted by the Department’s radioactive materials transportation activities.