Brittle Fracture Safety for Transporation Packages

Larry E. Fischer - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Martin W. Schwartz - Science Applications International Corporation
This paper describes the development of the brittle fracture criteria selected for use in Regulatory Guide (R.G.) 7.12, \"Fracture Toughness Criteria of Base Metal Material for Ferritic Steel Shipping Cask Containment Vessels With a Wall Thickness Greater Than Four Inches but not Exceeding Twelve Inches.\"1 The approaches studied for the criteria selection were the fracture arrest approach based on the work of Pellini, a fracture initiation approach based on Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME Code)2 and a drop test acceptance approach based on introducing flaws at critical locations. The rational for selecting the fracture arrest approach for the R.G. 7.12 criteria is discussed. The application of the fracture arrest criteria in R.G. 7.12 to shipping containers is also discussed.