Problems encountered, the technical difficulties that had to be overcome, and the successful transfer of technology related to controlled-release of pesticides is reviewed. Research on control-release of pesticides to date has resulted in products designed to extend bioactivity for periods of several days, months, or at most, several years. However, research supported by the U.S. Department of Energy directed toward solving problems associated with plant-root penetration through caps and liners engineered to minimize leaching or movement of buried nuclear and chemical wastes has resulted in development of a long-term controlled-release herbicide delivery system designed to stop root growth for periods of up to 100 years. Through the unique combination of polymers with a herbicidally active dinitroaniline, a cylinderical pellet (9 mm long and 9 mm in diameter) was developed that continuously releases a herbicide for a period of up to 100 years. Equilibrium concentration of the herbicide in soil adjacent to the pellet and the bioactive lifetime of the device can be adjusted by changing the size of the pellet; the type of polymer; the type, quality, and quantity of carrier; and/or the concentration and type of dinitroaniline used. Commercial products that have been developed under a Federal Technology Transfer Program that utilize this technology include: 1) ROOT-SHIELD, a root repelling sewer gasket for concrete, clay, and PVC sewer lines, 2) BIOBARRIER, a spun-bonded polypropylene geotextile fabric developed to prevent root growth from invading septic tanks; penetrating under roadways, and along the edge of sidewalks, airport runways, and tennis courts, and for landscaped areas; and 3) ROOT-GUARD, a plastic drip irrigation emitter designed to protect buried drip irrigation systems from being plugged by roots.