BNFL Transport Division operates a worldwide service for the transport of radioactive materials arising from all parts of the nuclear fuel cycle. These transports are carried out by air, road, rail and sea. Transport Division has established an integrated management system (including quality, safety and environmental aspects) covering the design, manufacture, testing, documentation, use, maintenance, inspection and decommissioning of equipment for the transport of all types of radioactive material. The management system, which was certified to 1S0 9001 by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance Limited (LRQA) in 1994, was developed to meet the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Authority Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials. This paper describes the arrangements established to ensure this certification is maintained - including internal audits, management selfverification and management reviews and surveillance visits by LRQA. This paper also details how the Division has established a Total Quality Management culture and uses the European Foundation for Quality Management for selfassessment as a basis of its continuous improvement process. 201