The panel session “ Balancing Nuclear Energy Cooperation with Nuclear Nonproliferation: Situating the US – ROK Relationship in a Broader Perspective, ” organized by Professors Man - Sung Yim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) and Adam Stulberg (Georgia Institute of Technology) , was held at the 55 th Annual Meeting of the International Nuclear Material Management (INMM) from July 20 to 24, 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. H eld sh ortly before the closing ceremony in the afternoon of the 24 th , the session dealt with sizzling issue s that encouraged the participation of a significant number of experts in the audience. Prof . Yim gave the opening talk, a nd eight panel ist s presented their views and thoughts on US – ROK nuclear cooperation, including the implications of this bilateral relationship on broader strategic, political, economic, and technical aspects.