Authentication and Certification Approach: A Case Study

Jon S. Warner - Argonne National Laboratory
Jennifer Tanner - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jake Benz - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Matthew MacDougall - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
In FY 16, a checklist outlining an approach to authenticate and certify proposed treatymonitoring equipment was developed and peer-reviewed. This represented an initial step towardsdeveloping a comprehensive and repeatable approach to authenticating and certifying proposedmonitoring equipment. During FY 17, this checklist is being applied to a specific piece ofequipment to further refine the checklist and evaluate the robustness and completeness of theapproach.The approach is intended to provide a consistent framework for establishing confidence intechnologies which may be considered for use in a future treaty monitoring regime. This firsttest case on a fairly simple, hand-held instrument will help identify any missing steps oractivities and any obstacles to success. The piece of equipment selected for the case study is ahandheld radiation detection device used to characterize dose rates, search for sources, andperform radionuclide identification. Whereas the steps taken within this case study are tailoredto radiation detection instruments, similar steps would be undertaken on other classes ofmonitoring equipment such as surveillance systems.The initial phase of work is to perform non-destructive hardware and software testing on aninstrument. These non-intrusive tests will be used to assess the equipment and establish a baselevel of confidence in a version of the instrument in the laboratory that can then be used toprovide confidence in copies of the same instrument in the field. Future work may include moreintrusive tests meant to increase confidence in equipment authenticity and integrity and that theequipment is functioning as expected and hasn’t been modified or manipulated. The steps takento authenticate and certify the handheld radiation detector as laid out in a test plan will bedescribed along with the rationale behind them. The objective results of the tests and challengesencountered along with any subjective conclusions drawn regarding the confidence gained willbe presented and discussed.