Victor Bragin - Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office
John Carlson - Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office
Russell Leslie - Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office
Australia contributes to the development of international safeguards through extensive technical activities, including collaboration with the IAEA and with our counterparts in other countries. The Australian Safeguards Support Program (ASSP) incorporates consultancies, analytical work and work on the development of equipment, safeguards approaches and procedures in support of IAEA safeguards. From the outset of the program for strengthening safeguards, ASNO has been closely involved with the Agency in the development of new concepts, procedures and techniques, including the conduct of field trials. The paper discusses selected examples of the tasks undertaken through ASSP focusing on those tasks that have contributed towards Australia becoming the first State to qualify for the introduction of an integrated safeguards regime. The paper also discusses current changes to the IAEA's MSSP system and how these might impact on smallscale Support Programs.