A new vault for plutonium storage has recently been commissioned in the United Kingdom by AWE at Aldermaston. In compliance with recognised Quality Assurance Procedures (ISO9000) and in accordance with the Approved Safety Case (Authority to Operate), the primary containment of plutonium materials in this storage vault is restricted to formally approved container systems. The paper reviews the design criteria, design authority and configuration control, combined with the quality assurance and surveillance programmes adopted for two storage containers types. The first system described is based on rolled seam closures (produce cans) to provide double containment (can within can). The second system is an \"overpack\" configuration employing a resistance welded stainless steel container. In both systems plastics from the glove box bagging out procedures remain in the storage package. The preliminary results of a repackaging programme involving >1000 items is presented. The materials currently in storage include metal, oxide and complex pyrochemical chloride salt residues. Finally the paper presents some options for possible future container designs which may eliminate plastics from the storage container.