Approach for a Finite Element Material Model for Wood for Application in Mechanical Safety Cases of Transport Packages

Martin Neumann - Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung und -priifung (BAM)
F. Wille - Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
Bernhard Droste - Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing
Germar Eisenacher - BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing is the competent authority for mechanical safety assessment of transport packages for radioactive material in Germany. The further development of state-of-the-art technology concerning assessment methods is essential for a qualified work of involved designers and authority experts. The paper gives an example of current development done to improve understanding and modeling capabilities of wood filled impact limiter. In order to reduce the loads applied to the package containment, which result from regulatory drop tests, most packages are protected by energy dissipating impact limiter. Wood, encapsulated by steel sheets, is one of the materials typically used for energy dissipation in these impact limiter. Very often, mechanical safety cases regarding the 9 m drop test are performed computationally, where it is essential to use reliable and verified computational methods and models. In this context, the paper presents an approach for a finite element material model for wood. Thereby, the mechanical behavior of wood under compression loading is the focus of the development work. Additionally, material orientation as well as strain rate, temperature and lateral constraint may vary. A large number of experiments, particularly compression tests, was designed and performed to establish an adequate experimental database for modeling verification. The experimental results enabled the derivation of necessary requirements: The material model has to take into account strain rate and temperature dependencies as well as the anisotropic characteristics of the material, a proper yield criterion, flow rule and hardening law. Such a material model is currently not available in established commercial dynamic finite element codes. Thus it is necessary to create a user-defined material model considering the mentioned requirements. A first step was done by determining a yield surface as well as detecting flow and hardening mechanisms from experimental force-deflection curves. In a next step the LS-DYNA material model MAT_75 was altered according to conclusions of former BAM development work, regarding the modeling of post-peak softening as a function of lateral constraint. Future research will contain the further development, implementation and verification of a material model for wood.