Approach for Design and Implementation of Protection Measures for the Insider Threat

Carol J. Scharmer - Sandia National Laboratories
Recently the international community has increased focus on both security-by-design and on the insider threat. Additionally, there is increased focus on computer/cyber security with respect to the insider threat. Historically, training for the insider threat has focused on the evaluation of insider protection measures in place at an existing facility. The evaluation methods typically assume preventive measures are appropriately implemented and are, therefore, most often only concerned about the individual with direct access to the material or material processes. More recently, documentation has been written on best, or worst, practices for protecting against the insider threat. However, little attention has been provided for the design and implementation of preventive and protective measures and, as an important factor in Security by Design, are important aspects to consider in the early phases of the physical protection system design. This paper will provide a proposed framework and approach for the design and implementation for protecting against the insider. The framework for the design and implementation will effectively define the Insider Mitigation Program, a recommended part of the overall Security Plan. The Program would be based on stated principles (based on a State’s regulatory requirements) and would be further be defined by the site specific policies and procedures. The policies and procedures effectively evolve throughout the security design as design constraints are identified. The proposed approach applies the framework to the design and implementation of the various known insider protection measures and will have emphasis on how access is authorized and applied to individuals. The paper will provide examples and will also address the evaluation of the effectiveness of measures that are often assumed to minimize the potential insider actions.