Application for Uranium Hold-up Measurements Using the Russian Handheld Gamma Spectrometer ‘Coupol’

V.E. Taranov - Institute of Physics and Power Engineering
A.V. Mozhayev - Institute of Physics and Power Engineering
B.G. Ryazanov - Institute of Physics and Power Engineering
The Russian Methodology and Training Center on Nuclear Material Control and Accountability (RMTC) in conjunction with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), developed and presented a training course entitled “Gamma Uranium Holdup Measurement”. The Russian handheld gamma spectrometer RPG-09 “Coupol”, which is widely distributed throughout Minatom enterprises, was chosen as the measuring instrument. \"Generalized geometry\" technique developed at Los Alamos and being widely applied in different US facilities was used as the measurement method in this training course. RMTC staff developed a simple software application for Windows to automate the hold-up measurements during training courses and practical exercises. This application allows accelerated and illustrated calibration and use of the “Coupol” device in this kind of measurement. The user has the possibility both to input raw data manually and to read out spectra acquired by “Coupol”. Besides a typical routine there is also the possibility to assess models based on geometrical dimensions of collimator aperture and the equipment to be measured.