Sweden, together with the other EU-states, signed the Additional Protocol, on September 22, 1998. After that each state is going through the process of adapting to the new situation that will come after ratification. But also the IAEA is preparing itself to work with the “old traditional” safeguards and what is required by the Protocol, that is the integration of the two. In order to help the Agency in this, a Member State Support Programme task, “Application of State-level Integration Concept on Fuel Cycles under Safeguard”, was initiated in 1998. In total 10 states has accepted the task. This presentation will focus on the ideas Sweden has on how the integration could be implemented in a country with a fuel cycle like Sweden. In the case of Sweden the approach will point of the possibility for the Agency to take advantage of the fact that Sweden has been under IAEA safeguards since 1972, has a well functioning SSAC and as a member in EU also have Euratom safeguards applied. The proposal will in fact reduce the amount of inspection activities in Sweden without loosing the necessary assurance that Sweden does not divert material or perform other undeclared nuclear activities. This will also mean that the burden on the inspected facilities will be reduced.