Application of Safeguards-By-Design for the Pyroprocessing Facilities in ROK

Dae Yong Song - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Seong-Kyu Ahn - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
H. D. Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
B. Y. Han - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
T. H. Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
The Safeguards-By-Design (SBD) is recommended as an approach, in which the international safeguards is fully integrated from the design stage of a nuclear facility. In this paper, safeguards approach for the pyroprocessing facility in Republic of Korea (ROK) is introduced. The ROK has developed nuclear fuel cycle facilities such as the DUPIC Fuel Development Facility (DFDF), the Advanced spent fuel Conditioning Process Facility (ACPF) and the PyRoprocessing Integrated inactive Demonstration facility (PRIDE), and safeguards systems have been developed with a facility design team since the pre-conceptual design stage of the facility. Neutron coincidence counters, which could be operative at hot cell, were developed for the nuclear material accountancy of the facility. Since the safeguards approach and criteria for the pyroprocessing facility has not been established by IAEA, the ROK has been involved in a Member State Supporting Program (MSSP). A Reference Engineering-scale Pyroprocessing Facility (REPF) concept was established, and a safeguards system was developed for the REPF. The safeguards approach and safeguards technology for the pyroprocessing facility is being investigated through the international collaboration.