Application of Optical Fiber Scintillator for Unattended Monitoring in Spent Fuel Storage Silo

Wan Ki Yoon - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Sung Gi Park - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Jong Soo Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Eun Ho Kwack - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Jae-Sung Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
ROK is carrying out a feasibility study on a remote monitoring at Wolsong CANDU fuel dry storage silo as IAEA support program SP-1. The remote monitoring system detects neutron and/or gamma rays with cerium-activated 6Li optical fiber scintillating detector and the detected data are transmitted to review stations remotely. This paper describes the remote monitoring concept, detector arrangement in the re-verification pipe(s) of the silo, neutron and/or gamma ray measurement and performance test of the optical fiber detector assemblies.