Application of Lanthanum Halide Scintillators and Low-Resolution Dense Plastics for Modern MC&A Needs.

E.A. McKigney - Los Alamos National Laboratory
A.P. Belian - Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.A. Russo - Los Alamos National Laboratory
K. Chung - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Recent developments in lanthanum halide scintillators and low-resolution dense plastics give breadth to gamma-ray methods of nuclear material detection suitable for modern MC&A needs. Demanding goals for modernization of MC&A cover both portable and continuous on-line measurement applications that are quantitative for inventory/verification, and that serve those quantitative measurement needs plant-wide. 1) Improved performance (sensitivity and resolution) is important for portable applications in which a single detector must measure many types of materials. 2) Budget is a major issue for continuous inventory measurements with hundreds or even thousands of detectors placed throughout a facility. Experimentally proven resolution of under 4% for 662 keV 137Cs gamma rays measured with large cerium-doped LaCl3 (lanthanum chloride) crystals sets a new performance standard for versatile, efficient portable applications comparable in price to NaI(Tl), which has been dominant for decades. While the relatively high cost of crystals remains an obstacle for the application of very large numbers of lanthanum halide scintillators as distributed networked detectors, scintillators made from highdensity plastic offer a different type of solution for these gamma-ray measurements. Compared to lanthanum halide crystals they are inexpensive and can be larger in size. Despite lower resolution than NaI(Tl), a quantitative interpretation of the photopeak response of the low-cost dense plastic detectors can be tailored to the unique mechanical and spectral properties of different materials at each of hundreds of fixed on-line locations in a plant. This paper describes the properties and presents experimental results for the two new spectrometer types that, together, bracket NaI(Tl) detectors in both performance and cost, fulfilling modern demands for portable and continuous on-line accountability of uranium and plutonium.