Application of IAEA Safeguards to Plutonium Thermal Stabilization and Packaging Processes for US Excess Fissile Material

N. J. Nicholas - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Brian W. Smith - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Lawrence K. Kwei - Department of Energy
R. K. Larsen - Safe Sites of Colorado
Angel B. Joy - U. S. Department of Energy
For safety reasons, the U.S. Department of Energy is preparing to stabilize and repackage plutonium oxide currently subject to International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site beginning in the year 2000. The Hanford Site will begin stabilizing and packaging plutonium materials under IAEA safeguards soon thereafter. The IAEA and the DOE began consultations on the application of IAEA safeguards to the thermal stabilization and packaging process in August 1996. In April 1998 the IAEA sent a proposal containing four options to the U.S. for consideration and the U.S. responded with another proposal that is based on one of the IAEA’s proposed options. This paper will discuss the elements of the proposed concept.