AMETHYST: System For Initial, Automatic, Video Assessment of Perimeter Alarms

Graham Leach - Home Office, (Police Scientific Development Branch)
Michael Horner - Home Office, (Police Scientific Development Branch)
The aim of the AMETHYST (AutoMatic Event auThentication SYSTems) project is develop a high performance perimeter detection system which combines Video Motion Detection (VMD) technology with another type of Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS). AMETHYST will use CCTV pictures to automatically assess the cause of all PIDS alarms and will try to filter out alarms without a human cause. AMETHYST will analyse picture sequences only when there is an alarm. It will study pictures from before and after this alarm unlike VMD which continuously analyses live video. Sequences will be provided by a Loop Framestore, either connected to or part of the AMETHYST system. PSDB has produced a single channel AMETHYST demonstrator and has placed a contract for the development of an 8 channel prototype AMETHYST system. This paper gives details of the hardware and software used with these two systems. Also described is PSDB’s approach to the development of AMETHYST’s automatic assessment algorithms. These will combine current expertise from Video Motion systems with the unique AMETHYST approach. The algorithms will be assessed and developed using PSDB’s growing collection of over 150 alarm sequences.