Alternative Methodology for Evaluation of Inventory Differences

Daniel J. Campbell - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Daniel J. Campbell - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
The Savannah River Site’s (SRS) FB-Line was deinventoried by the second quarter of FY05. In order to support this accelerated effort, a large quantity of special nuclear materials (SNM), primarily plutonium and plutonium – enriched uranium mixtures, were packaged in DOE-STD-3013 compliant containers and shipped to the K Area Material Storage (KAMS) facility at SRS for interim storage. In addition, budgetary constraints required that the entire process be conducted in the most cost effective manner possible. The FB-Line Safeguards, Security, and Emergency Preparedness (SS&EP) group developed a method to provide a higher degree of safeguards assurance at less cost to meet the schedule and budget demands on the facility.