The joint cooperative efforts between the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Atomic Energy (MinAtom) has entered into a new phase. In addition to the ongoing effort to provide MPC&A upgrades for nuclear facilities and nuclear material storage sites, both DOE and MinAtom are working together to determine the best approach to promote and nurture nuclear material protection, control and accountability (MPC&A) awareness within the Russian nuclear complex and to improve a support infrastructure that provides long-term sustainability for MPC&A within the Russian Federation. One of the initiatives to improve the support infrastructure is the expansion and improvement of capabilities at MinAtom’s Interdepartmental Special Training Center (ISTC). The ISTC conducts theoretical and hands-on training in physical protection systems (PPS), system assessment, equipment testing and certification for Russian physical protection systems. This integrated approach relies upon resident instructor expertise, Russian and foreign systems and equipment, and specialized training and testing laboratories. The U.S. correctly provides guidance and funding support for training MinAtom security professionals and the testing and evaluation of PPS and equipment. The goal is for the ISTC to become fully funded by Russian sources as the national center of excellence for nuclear material physical protection. The U.S.-Russian collaboration to improve MPC&A in Russia requires nuclear material handlers, PPS operators, and managers, who are well trained in physical protection systems. Therefore, the ISTC provides education and training that fosters operational system expertise, enhances physical protection specialists’ knowledge, and trains future physical protection specialists. This encourages an exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge to keep the systems operable. Performance evaluation and certification testing of PPS ensure that systems employed at facilities and storage sites meet National standards and provide the requisite protection. A nominal investment in the capabilities of the ISTC will provide an exponential return in physical protection effectiveness and sustainability. The integration of training, PPS performance evaluation, equipment certification, and technical consultation at the ISTC provides the necessary synergy to promote a healthy infrastructure at the national and regional level that supports long-term sustainability of physical protection of nuclear material within the Russian Federation.