Advanced Remote Monitoring System and Tamper Indicating Devices

Lada Osokina - Sandia National Laboratories
Dennis Nelson - Sandia National Laboratories
Sergey Blagin - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
Dmitri Moroskin - VNIIEF
Rustem Samigulin - VNIIEF
Vladimir Angilopov - VNIIEF
The All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF) has developed and installed several remote monitoring technology components at the Facility-to-Facility (F2F) site in Russia as part of the US-Russian Federation Warhead Safety and Security Exchange (WSSX) Agreement for monitoring containers with fissile material in storage. These components were recently re-engineered to enhance their performance and design transparency, reduce size and weight, integrate components’ operation, increase tamper resistance, and produce highly authenticated output. This poster presentation will include the two new operating systems—the Advanced Remote Monitoring System and the Tamper Indicating Device system. The Advanced Remote Monitoring System is a working prototype connected to a computer via data link. A demonstration version of the software is installed on the computer. The Tamper Indicating Device system is represented by two working prototypes of two types of Smart Bolt technologies: one with built-in batteries, and the other with a piezoelectric generator. Tools and accessories required to operate Tamper Indicating Devices will also be demonstrated.