The ROK has the sixth largest nuclear power generation and an extensive government supported research and development program. To support active nuclear program, nonproliferation and transparency is a supreme concern to the ROK. In addition of full compliance of the NPT and international safeguards obligation, national safeguards inspection to enhance transparency is under implementation since 1997. The Korean Additional Protocol entered into force in 2004. The ROK fostered the SSAC by establishing the National Nuclear Management and Control Agency (NNCA) which is the dedicated organization for nonproliferation in 2004, and creating the Nuclear Control Team in the Atomic Energy Bureau of the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2005, to enhance national capability of safeguards. The four point principles on the peaceful use of nuclear energy were announced, which becomes rationale for nuclear activity. The ROK also invited the IAEA ISSAS mission to get objective evaluation on safeguards system. It also introduced mandatory education to foster awareness of national and international obligations to researchers who are engaged in fuel cycle research and personnel who deal with nuclear material and safeguards. Overall the ROK has implemented enhanced measures to maintain the increased level of SSAC transparency to undertake all international obligations, and to ensure international credibility of nuclear activities in Korea.