Under integrated safeguards, measures authorized under INFCIRC 153 and INFCIRC 540 are to be combined to produce an effective and efficient safeguards system for individual States. However, traditional safeguards measures focus on declared materials and facilities and are considerably different from new measures aimed at detecting undeclared activities. How does one integrate such disparate measures into a coherent State-wide system and demonstrate that it is both effective and efficient? How can State-specific factors be taken into account? A means for assessing State-wide, State-specific system performance is needed. Acquisition path (AP) analysis can be useful across the spectrum of IAEA integrated safeguards activities, from integrated safeguards proposal design to implementation to the reporting of results. This paper describes the use of AP analysis in the Integrated Safeguards Evaluation Methodology (ISEM). The methodology was developed to support the IAEA as it develops and implements integrated safeguards. The ISEM is described along with a supporting software application, the Acquisition Path Analysis Tool (APAT). Examples are given of the possible uses of ISEM as well as a history of applications of the methodology.