We have developed a new measurement technique to improve the accuracy and sensitivity of the nondestructive assay (NDA) of plutonium scrap and waste. The 200-£ drum assay system uses the classical NDA method of counting passive-neutron coincidences from plutonium but has added the new features of \"add-a-source\" to improve the accuracy for matrix corrections and statistical techniques to improve the low-level detectability limits. The add-a-source technique introduces a small source of 252Cf (10~8 g) near the external surface of the sample drum. The drum perturbs the rate at which coincident neutrons from the 252Cf are counted. The perturbation provides the data to correct for the matrix and plutonium inside the drum. The errors introduced from matrix materials in 200-l drums have been reduced by an order of magnitude using the add-a-source technique. In addition, the add-a-source method can detect unexpected neutronshielding material inside the drum that might not allow the detection of special nuclear materials. The detectability limit of the new waste-drum assay system for plutonium is better than prior systems for actual waste materials. For the in-plant installation at a mixed-oxide fabrication facility, the detectability limit is 0.73 mg of 240Pu (or 2.3 mg of high-burnup plutonium) for a 15-min. measurement. For a drum containing 100 kg of waste, this translates to about 7 nCi/g. This excellent sensitivity was achieved using a special low-background detector design, good overhead shielding, and statistical techniques in the software to selectively reduce the cosmic-ray neutron background.