30 Years of JRC's Scientific and Technical Activities in Support to Internation Safeguards: An Anniversary

M. Cuypers - Joint Research Center -- Ispra
P. Frigola - European Commission – Joint Research Centre
In 1969 the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission started the development of non-destructive assay instruments and sealing devices, and studied the application of statisical methods in verification activities. The nuclear fuel cycle was evolving and was reaching gradually an industrial dimension. The international community requested a more scientific approach to verification activites . Furthermore, technological developments in many areas made it possible to move from the traditional accountancy and tag inventory towards more independent verification of operator's declared data, making use of instruments and devices. After 30 year, technology has modified profoundly the accountancyand verification procedures of plant opperators and inspectors, without changing however, the basic principles of nuclear safeguards. The number of inspectors has grown very much and the activities if the safeguards Authorities strongy diversified. Recent events have led the political and scientific community to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing systemamd it appears that, more than ever, technical development of transferof technology from other areas is required to respond to the newly formulated needs. Some highlights of achievements of 30 years of R&D at the JRC in support to nuclear safeguards will be illustrated and some of the lessons learned will be presented. A dew ideas of where to go after three decades of technical developments will be mentioned.