3-Dimensional Video Motion Detection and Assessment

Cynthia L. Nelson - Sandia National Laboratories
The 3-Dimensional Video Motion Detection system (3DVMD) is a stand-alone sensor system developed at Sandia National Laboratories. It operates on a single PC platform and uses multiple cameras to monitor activity in predefined, 3-dimensional volumes of space. Detected activity is displayed on the PC monitor as an overlay to real-time video imagery. The basic sensor can provide switch closures for an interface to an Alarm Communications and Display (AC&D) system. High-level detection information relating to the size, location, and direction of motion of moving objects can be provided for assessment purposes. Using this high-level information, 3DVMD can be used to monitor individual items as well as track people within the monitored area. It can be used for two-man rule verification, process control, and the detection of anomalies during evacuation procedures. The 3DVMD system can be set up as an interior or exterior sensor. There are several benefits to the 3DVMD technology. 3DVMD is a passive security sensor. It provides high-level information (e.g., location, size, direction of motion) that can be used as an assessment aid in CCTV video, where it is often difficult to even see an intruder. Its detection volume is user-definable and remains static until changed by the user. This reduces vulnerabilities introduced by the variable detection envelope of other sensors. It has a reduced nuisance alarm rate as compared to traditional 2-dimensional video motion detection sensors. The technology also has built-in redundancy. If a camera fails, the system can adjust to operate without that camera, down to a minimum of two cameras. 3DVMD also has a selfassessment capability. Because CCTV sensors are an integral component of the 3DVMD system, the failure or tampering of any CCTV sensor is immediately identified. 3DVMD technology is ready to be fielded either as a stand-alone security system or as an integrated security system that provides switch closures to an existing AC&D system. Minimal software development is required to customize the technology for specific applications. Sandia is currently in the technology transfer process for the baseline 3DVMD technology.