The Technology Modeling and Analysis group of the Los Alamos National Laboratory is using 3Dprocess simulation to evaluate options for transparent disassembly of nuclear weapons. Transparent warhead disposition is likely to be a major issue of future nuclear arms treaties. Using QuestÔ, from Deneb Robotics, we have developed simulations to help visualize what treaty observers might see during a familiarization visit, facility inspections or while monitoring weapon disassembly operations from a remote location. In addition, these models help assess the impact of observers being present in a working facility. Operational delays due to resource unavailability or rerouting traffic to bypass observer-occupied areas are a major concern. Our Quest models not only simulate facility operations in detail, but they provide 3D views into the operations as they occur. Any number of camera positions can be represented including cameras mounted on equipment or parts as they move through the facility, or “flying” a camera through a facility to give the viewer a guided tour. 3D-facility and process simulation provides a mechanism to work out the logistics and procedures for monitored disassembly without disrupting existing operations. It could also be used to familiarize inspecting parties regarding treaty-accountable operations or serve as a training tool. By modeling facilities such as Pantex and the Device Assembly Facility (DAF), we are demonstrating several capabilities useful for transparency analysis including: · Modeling the movements of equipment and personnel using explicit speed, distance and paths facilitates analysis of various facility layout options. · Using the explicit representation of facility walls and corridors demonstrates the impacts of rerouting operations around areas occupied by inspectors. · Using doorway motion animation and explicit camera placement helps visualize the observables for both inspectors and automated monitoring equipment. · Representing the availability and utilization of various labor categories provides information on certification requirements for facility operations. · Explicitly modeling failure and repair times of equipment and processes helps assess the impacts of potential scheduling and throughput issues.