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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Radiation detection systems for verification of warhead limitation treaties face a unique challenge not present in other mission areas. The…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Information Circular (INFCIRC) 908, because “insiders possess access⋯authority…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
For more than 15 years, the National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory has distributed the “Nuclear Wallet Cards…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Controlling the export of ITT (Intangible Technologies Transfer) in compliance with the export control of the international regimes such as…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Plutonium mass estimation can be performed using neutron coincidence counting and the neutron point model. Usage of this model requires…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
For many years, thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) has represented the state of the art for the measurement of uranium and…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Since 2016, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Moscow-based Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS) have led a dialogue to…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Accurate remote localization and tracking of nuclear material containers is of significant importance tovarious safeguards applications.…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
In the past years, the Physical Protection has aimed at preventing external threats. It has been working on the establishment and…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The Virtual Facility Distributed Test Bed (VFDTB) is a suite of computer models under development with the goal of demonstrating safeguards…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
With support from Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia) and sponsorship from the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
A longstanding goal of the IAEA has been to reduce the frequent sampling required at high throughput nuclear facilities. Advances in…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Advances in both microcalorimeter instrumentation and data analysis are now making acquisition of high-quality spectra routine and enabling…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Staff at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have produced two video lectures to support a variety of nonproliferation training and…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
As the Savannah River Site (SRS) celebrates its 70 th anniversary it has become important to examine the future of H-Canyon missions in…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The paper represents the continued work on the administrative monetary penalties (AMP) regarding nuclear security. An AMP is a penalty…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Abstract: An analysis of cybersecurity culture on organizations managing Critical InfrastructureAuthored by Michelle Govender and Abraham…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The Arms Control, Treaty Verification, and Dismantlement Subcommittee has started the development of a primer and annotated bibliography.…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) works to minimize civilian stocks of highly enriched…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique used for the characterization of isotopes, elements, or compounds in sample materials and has…