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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Angela Lousteau, Jason P. Hayward, Robert D. McElroy, Stephen Croft
Bulk uranium items are often measured using active neutron interrogation systems to take advantage of the high penetrability of neutrons,…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):Claude LEROY, Eric Togni
DGDM is originally a type B package designed by the CEA to transport technological solid waste. This waste contains organic elements which…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Eric M. Hanson, Doug MacDonald, William Hutton, Harrison F. Kerschner, Clifford S. Glantz, Craig A. Goranson
An important aspect of nuclear facility operations is risk management. Until recently, risk management has not been applied in a holistic…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Hao Zhou, Qing Lei Liang
A new neutron multiplicity analysis method for uranium samples with liquid scintillators is introduced. An active well-type fast neutron…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Adam D. Williams, Timothy A. Wheeler, Phillip L. Turner
The U.S. nuclear power industry currently employs a variety of hazard and failure analysis methods for evaluating and managing potential…
Author(s):Howard Menlove, Vladimir Henzl
This paper presents three neutron methods to measure the plutonium content in mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies that verifies the neutron…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):Florence LEFORT-MARY, Christine Lamouroux, Bruno Dumont, Benjamin Kerr
When preparing for the decommissioning of a nuclear facility, during its “end of life” management and while performing the actual…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Abdalla Abou Jaoude, Anna Erickson
Nonproliferation issues seldom factor into design criteria for nuclear reactors. With numerous advance reactors pursued globally, this will…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Jeremy Poling, Jeremy Poling
For nuclear material accounting purposes, it may be necessary to determine the variance of the estimated quantity of nuclear material in a…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):Charles R. Bryan, Remi P. Dingreville, David E. Weirich
In the U.S., spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is stored in dry storage cask systems for long-term interim storage. The systems commonly used…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Jonathan Essner, Milijana Steljiç
The International Nuclear Safeguards Engagement Program (INSEP), a part of the United States Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Nickolas Roth, Leon Ratz
A crude nuclear bomb detonated in an urban area could kill hundreds of thousands of people, cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and have…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Haryono Budisantosa, Susetyo Hario Putero
A security assessment tool that enable the management of a small nuclear or radiological facility to understand properly their PPS…
Author(s):Carlyn Greene
In 2009, the United States abandoned its decades-long policy of spent fuel management that envisioned all commercial and defense nuclear…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Chansuh Lee, Sundo Choi, Hana Seo, Sungho Yoon, Donghoon shin
According to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540, existing export controls are no longer voluntary, and have become mandatory…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):Claude LEROY, Nicolas Baumet, Adrien Pesenti
The mechanical studies for type-A and type-B packages are focused in part on the tie-down system (in application of Art. 607, 613 and 638…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):J. Becker, R. Hüggenberg, T. Finger, J. Holtorf
According to the IAEA Regulations (SSR-6i) packages shall be capable of withstanding the effects of accelerations arising from routine…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):A. Homer, V. Ferguson, Cameron Frears, C. Roussel
International safeguards regulations state that a physical inventory take, and subsequent verification, shall be performed in each material…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Gotthard Stein, Arnold Rezniczek, Morton J. Canty, Joshua Rutkowski, Irmgard Niemeyer
A systems-based approach to acquisition path analysis was developed under a request by the International Atomic Energy Agency Member State…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):George Carver, Juan C. Subiry
Commercially available multi-purpose concrete based systems can be efficiently adapted for storing vitrified high level waste (HLW)…